Society 4.0

ociety 4.0 – Resolving eight key issues to build a citizens society’ is meant to provide inspiration for those who wish to build a vital and hopeful future for the next generations. In envisioning a different and better society, Bob de Wit explores the emerging possibilities of new technologies, collects and examines ‘weak signals’ and evaluates numerous new societal initiatives and future visions.

Bob de Wit aims to inspire readers to join his venture and build a ‘Citizens Society’. Bob has opened the webpage to build a citizens community and create a citizens society for the future.

Society 4.0 is meant to become a living document to build a better society. Readers who want to join Bob in this journey are warmly invited to provide feedback, ideas and support for improving the book. Your valued input can be shared in 9 Telegram groups, one for general feedback (‘General’), and then the ‘eight key issues’ as described in Chapter 5 of the book Society 4.0.

The best contributions will be included in future editions of the book. The names of the idea generators will be mentioned (with your approval) too, so if you would like be the co-creator of a better future for the next generations, please join in by clicking the link of the group you prefer.

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